Picture of empty BOT Meeting Room

Addressing The Board

Procedures for Addressing the Board

The Secretary of the Board of Trustees will make the proposed agenda for the Board鈥檚 formal session available to the public before each scheduled meeting. Agenda items may be added or removed before or during the formal session.

The agenda for the formal session will include the following order and time allotments for public comments:

Presidents or alternates from the Faculty Senate, 澳门五分彩 Student Association, and Graduate Student Association may speak. Generally, there are no time limits for these representatives, but the Board Chair (or presiding Trustee in the Chair鈥檚 absence) may limit their speaking time to ten minutes each.

Presidents (or alternates) of the University鈥檚 collective bargaining units, APA, or PSSO, who have submitted a request at least 24 hours in advance, may address the Board for up to five minutes.

  • Other individuals who have submitted a request to speak may address the Board within a collective 30-minute time period.
  • Each speaker is limited to three minutes unless otherwise allowed by the Board Chair. Requests are generally handled on a first-received basis.
  • Speakers will be notified when they have 30 seconds remaining and when their time is up.

Public Comment Procedures for Board Meetings

Last Updated May 28, 2015, as authorized by the Chair of the Board of Trustees.

To request to speak at a formal Board meeting, please submit your request in writing to the Secretary to the Board, including your name and address for potential follow-up. You can reach the Secretary to the Board through the "Contact the Board of Trustees" form online or by phone at (269) 387-2360.

Public comment request forms are available through the following methods:

  • In person at the Board office, located in the Seibert Administration Building, Suite 3050, before the formal session.
  • Downloading the form here and returning it to the Board Secretary.
  • Submitting an electronic form online
  • On the day of the meeting, forms will be available outside the meeting room.

*Early submission is encouraged.

If time does not allow for all speakers, those who were unable to comment may submit their remarks in writing to the Secretary to the Board. These remarks will be shared with the Trustees after the session.

  • Speakers generally may not transfer their speaking time to another person. However, the Chair may allow exceptions for special circumstances, such as disability accommodations or if the speaker must leave before public comments on non-action items.
  • PowerPoint presentations or other audio/visual materials are not allowed during public comments. Written materials may be submitted to the Board if they are provided to he Secretary to the Board before the meeting starts. If a speaker is also making an oral comment, 15 collated copies of the written materials should be given to the Secretary for distribution.

The Chair of the Board may authorize modifications to these procedures.