Academic Integrity Process

The Academic Integrity Policy is created and defined by members of the academic community, recommended by the Faculty Senate and adopted by the Board of Trustees. The processes necessary to support this policy are managed and facilitated by Student Rights and Responsibilities. If you have any questions, please call SRR at (269) 387-2160.

Academic integrity process at a glance

Step 1: Charging a Student with Alleged Academic Integrity Violation

Faculty are asked to follow the 鈥淐harge Submission Instructions鈥 above.  After submission of the charges and additional materials, a hold is placed on the student鈥檚 account. SRR will contact the student for an appointment to meet with a SRR staff member. During the meeting with the student, an Academic Integrity Process form will be completed.

Step 2: If the Student Accepts Responsibility for Academic Integrity Violation

The faculty member will be contacted by an SRR staff member and apprised of the student鈥檚 acceptance of responsibility. The faculty member may determine the grade penalty (if any), which includes a reduced or failing grade for the assignment as well as any grade penalty up to and including an E for the course. SRR may also assess non-grade related sanctions.

Step 3 (if needed): If the Student Does Not Accept Responsibility for Academic Integrity Violation

A hearing will be held between the student and the faculty member, with the faculty member serving as the hearing officer OR with the student, faculty member, and an Academic Integrity Hearing Panel (AIHP), with the AIHP serving as the hearing body. SRR will contact the faculty member to determine their hearing preference. An AIHP consists of three faculty members and two students. Panel members are selected using procedures established by the Professional Concerns Committee of the Faculty Senate. At the conclusion of either type of hearing, a determination of responsible or not responsible will be made by the hearing officer or hearing body. The AIHP does not determine any outcome beyond the finding of responsible or not responsible.

Additional information

If a finding of "not responsible" has been made

All charges are dismissed and sanctions shall not be imposed.

If a finding of "responsible" has been made

A finding of responsible occurs based on a student鈥檚 acceptance of responsibility or as the result of a hearing with the faculty member or AIHP. The faculty member may impose a grade penalty up to failure for the course. Grade decisions based on a finding of responsible for academic dishonesty may not be appealed.  If the grade penalty imposed, results in failure of the course, the faculty member may determine whether or not the student is permitted to continue attending class. Additional penalties ranging from a warning to expulsion from the university may be assigned by the SRR.

If the student wants to appeal a finding of responsibility after a hearing with the faculty member

A student may appeal the decision resulting from a hearing with the faculty member to an AIHP within five (5) university business days.  The decision of the Academic Integrity Hearing Panel is final and may not be appealed.

While a case is pending

While a case is pending, the student has the right to attend and participate in the class. If the case is pending at the end of the semester, the faculty member shall assign an Incomplete grade and then submit a change of grade consistent with the finding of responsible/not responsible within five University business days of the completion of the process.

A case is considered pending until one of two events occurs:

1.     The student accepts responsibility.

2.     The hearing process is completed.