
The following section contains additional resources for service-learning. Readings focus on assessment and impact, principles and best practices, syllabus and course design, inspiration and reflection.  

Assessment and impact

At a glance: What we know about the effects of service-learning on college students, faculty, institutions and communities

Impact of service-learning and social justice education on college students’ cognitive development

Service-learning and academic success: The links to retention research

Service-Learning in life-span developmental psychology: Higher exam scores and increased empathy

Implementing service-learning in higher education

The impact of service-learning on ethnocentrism in an intercultural communication course

Principles and best practices

Connecting communities with colleges and universities

Embedded engagement: Communities magnify the value of engaged practices 

How higher education is integrating diversity and service-learning: Findings from four case studies

Research university engaged scholarship toolkit 

Syllabus and course design

More than 300 exemplary service-learning syllabi across a wide variety of disciplines


To hell with good intentions

Channeling change: Making collective impact work


Reflection: Linking service and learning—linking students and communities

Resources that that faculty can use for structuring the reflection process