Job Postings

澳门五分彩's School of Music employment opportunities are listed below. Interested applicants can also check the WMU Human Resources page for additional opportunities.

Full-time Teaching or Non-teaching Positions

There are currently no positions available. If you are interested in being considered for a full-time position in the School of Music, please submit the following;

  • An updated C.V., with a current email address.
  • A statement of interest.

The materials should be submitted via email to @email.

We will notify you by email when we have received your materials. Please note that receipt/acceptance of materials does not constitute an offer of employment. If we are interested in further information or should an employment opportunity arise, we will contact you. Materials will be kept on file for three years; you may update at any time. Thank you for your interest in our school.

Part-time Instructional Opportunities

Our department occasionally seeks individuals to teach on a part-time basis. If you are interested in being considered as a part-time instructor in the School of Music, please submit the following: 

  • An updated C.V., with a current email address.
  • A statement of interest.

The materials should be submitted via email to @email.

We will notify you by email when we have received your materials. Please note that receipt/acceptance of materials does not constitute an offer of employment. If we are interested in further information or should an opportunity for employment arise, we will contact you. Materials will be kept on file for three years; you may update at any time. Thank you for your interest in our school.

Student Employee Opportunities

Work-study funded positions:

Outside Opportunities

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