Contact Us

Please tell us who you are.

Graduate Student Association
1903 W Michigan Ave
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5242 USA
Phone (269) 387-8207
Fax (269) 387-8232

120 W Walwood Hall, Mail Stop 5242

internal review box

As part of our commitment to growing and better ourselves and the services we provide, we have created the internal review box. Through this mechanism, WMU graduate students can provide us with any feedback anonymously. Our expectation is to use your constructive criticism to improve the way we serve you and make sure that the future leaders of the Association know about the preferences of our constituency. Please, click on the link below to provide us with your feedback.

Please, know that the comments, suggestions, and feedback you provide will be handled by the Associations' Parliamentarian and they will be reviewed by the Executive Board. In some cases, these statements might be brought up to the general body for discussion.