
Below are links to reports that WMU utilizes to help gauge the assessment maturity of the assessment practices at our institution. Click below to learn more about them.

  • Annual Report on Assessment and Curriculum Change - These reports, created by the University Curriculum Manager, share information about annual curriculum changes, including identifying the reason for and type of changes requested. Take a look to learn more.
  • Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reports - These reports are collected periodically by the University Assessment Steering Committee for the main purpose of identifying where the committee can provide the most support and assistance in regards to learning outcomes assessment efforts, as well as to keep the university community growing and maturing in this area and focused on continuous improvement of all programs and services. You can review the history of these reports and more, by clicking on the link above.
  • WMU Program and Unit Assessment Survey - These surveys were administered to ascertain assessment of student learning perceptions, impact, practices and concerns at WMU for the purpose of identifying where more focused efforts and training may be needed to assist the community with their assessment efforts. Click on the link to learn more about what we discovered.