
Our advisor, Nick Gauthier, is available to help prospective students with tours of the 澳门五分彩 Frostic School of Art so incoming students are able to make informed decisions regarding their education and professional ambitions. We encourage our students to review their major course sequences and general education requirements with an advisor every semester. Students at 澳门五分彩 that major in art earn degrees of B.A. in art, B.F.A. with teacher certification (K-12), B.A. in art history, B.F.A. in graphic design, B.F.A. in Product Design, B.F.A. in art with emphasis in ceramics, metals/jewelry, painting, photography, printmedia, or sculpture. 

If you would like to meet with the art advisor please set up an appointment. Art advising appointments are available virtually Monday through Friday and in person Tuesday through Friday.  Please be sure to select the option you prefer when scheduling your appointment.

Invites for virtual appointments will be e-mailed the day before your scheduled time. If possible, please plan to be in front of a computer during your virtual advising appointment.

Current students schedule their advising appointments through the Student Success Hub in goWMU.

Prospective Student Appointments

If you need to meet with an advisor before you are admitted to WMU or don't have access to goWMU,

Contact Information

Nick Gauthier, Director of Academic Advising
Frostic School of Art Advising
1903 W Michigan Ave
2104 Richmond Center for Visual Arts
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5213 USA

phone (269) 387-2440
fax (269) 387-2477