Elizabeth Shafer

Elizabeth Shafer
Occupational Therapist
4046 Unified Clinics, Mail Stop 5333
Mailing address:
Unified Clinics: Occupational Therapy
1903 W Michigan Ave
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5361 USA
Elizabeth Shafer
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Lizzie is a pediatric occupational therapist, educator, and outdoor lover. She has been providing occupational therapy services in traditional and nontraditional ways for several years after graduating from 澳门五分彩 with her Master鈥檚 Degree in Occupational Therapy.  
Lizzie鈥檚 work experiences include working in outpatient pediatrics as well as the Children鈥檚 Trauma Assessment Center. She specializes in working with children who have experienced complex trauma. Currently, she works in a high needs elementary school in Kalamazoo providing support to teachers and students. Lizzie also provides consultation to families through caregiver coaching which focuses on building joyful engagement and meaningful connection in everyday activities. She is a Trust Based Relational Intervention practitioner and uses this approach when working with teachers, students and families in the community and beyond.  
Lizzie is passionate about supporting connection and joyful engagement in the children and families she works with. In her spare time, Lizzie enjoys rollerblading, exercising, going to the beach, and eating at new and familiar restaurants. She finds deep joy in being with the people she treasures.