Procedures after teaching, learning and educational studies M.A. admission

Step 1

Design a tentative program based on your needs and interests

Carefully examine the program description and the graduate catalog course descriptions to determine what courses will most benefit you. Be attentive to course prerequisites. If you have questions, contact the department in which the course(s) originate to discuss the suitability of the course(s) for your program. Complete a program outline (official form attached to program guideline). You may include no more than nine hours of coursework that you completed prior to the date of being accepted into the program. You must include a minimum of fifteen hours of 600 level or above coursework.

Step 2

Seek advisor approval for your program

The procedure for filing your permanent program is as follows:

  • Submit a list of courses to your graduate advisor by mail. Allow six weeks for the list to be reviewed by the advisor and processed. Use the attached program outline to assist you in the development of your list. This must be done within one semester following notification of admission to the program.
  • The advisor will review your selections. If your selections are within departmental guidelines and your advisor concurs with your choices, your list will be converted into a permanent program. If your selections are not within guidelines, your advisor will contact you by phone or mail regarding the necessary changes.
  • The final program will be signed by your program advisor and by the Dean of the Graduate College.
  • One copy of your program will be kept on file with your advisor, another will be kept at the graduate college, and a copy will also be mailed to you. Be certain to file your copy in a safe, accessible place.

Step 3

File necessary program changes in a timely manner

If it becomes necessary for you to change any of your courses, send a clearly written note to your advisor which includes the following in the order listed:

  • Your name
  • Your WIN (澳门五分彩 Identification Number)
  • Your current address
  • Your current phone number and daytime hours (8 a.m. to 4 p.m.) and evening hours (5 to 9 p.m.) when you can be reached
  • The course(s) you wish to drop
  • The course(s) you wish to add

Step 4

Ready to graduate?

A separate form for graduation may be obtained from the Office of the Registrar and returned to that office approximately six months before your intended graduation date.