8 a.m.Registration and Refreshments
8:30 a.m.Welcoming Remarks & Introductions
8:45 a.m.Keynote Session

Early Mobilization: Research and Guidelines for Practice
Cheryl Esbrook, OTR/L

10:00 a.m.Break
10:30 a.m.Plenary Session

Dr. Alicia Vanden Bussche Jantz and Kassie Roon, OTRL: Interdisciplinary Approach to Adjustment in Inpatient Rehabilitation 

11:45 a.m.Break for lunch

Lunch is "on your own." We will have lists of local eateries for registrants on the day of the event.

1:30 p.m.Breakout Sessions

Beginning with the Tiniest: OT in the NICU
Susan M. Bickel, OTRL-CNT

The Role of Occupational Therapy in Acute Care Oncology
Danning Wang OTRL and Claire Dolislager DrOT, OTRL, CLT-LANA

Untangling Acute Confusion: Delirium in Acute Care
Stephanie Althoff, OTRL

Returning to Our Roots: OT in Inpatient Mental Health
Noelle Partee, ORTL

2:30 p.m.Break
3 p.m.Closing Session

Impact of Health Disparity and Inequality in Occupational Therapy 
Mansi Patel, MS, OTRL

3:45 p.m.Closing Remarks

Session descriptions

Keynote Session

Occupational Therapy Practice in ICU: Transforming Patient
Cheryl Esbrook, OTR/L BCPR

Transforming Patient Outcomes, will discuss the negative neurocognitive and neuromuscular complications ICU survivors often face, data surrounding early rehab involvement in the critical care setting, and considerations for practice in various settings. 

Plenary Session

Interdisciplinary Approach to Adjustment in Inpatient Rehabilitation 
Dr. Alicia Vanden Bussche Jantz and Kassie Roon, OTRL

Adjustment in acute inpatient rehabilitation is common and often part of a holistic treatment approach.  Understanding how to assess and treat patients with mood and behavioral-related changes is critical to overall progress in acute inpatient rehabilitation.  Occupational therapists and neuropsychologists, along with the entire interdisciplinary team, coordinate and individualize therapeutic approaches to provide the best quality of care to patients and their families.  This presentation will cover the roles of occupational therapists and neuropsychologists in acute inpatient rehabilitation, define both adaptive and maladaptive adjustment, present case examples reflecting positive and negative adjustment, and discuss relevant successful outcomes.

Breakout Sessions

Beginning with the Tiniest: OT in the NICU
Susan M. Bickel, OTRL-CNT

This presentation is designed to give the OT practitioner a better understanding of the role the OT plays in the NICU. Sue will highlight what life is in a NICU setting for both the baby and for the family. The presentation will explore the therapeutic needs of the clients in this setting as well as the evidence based practices that the therapist applies to meet these objectives. Focus will be on development assessment, feeding and swallowing assessment, as well as the OT's role in developing a neuro-protective environment for these tiniest patients. 

The Role of Occupational Therapy in Acute Care Oncology
Danning Wang OTRL and Claire Dolislager DROT, ORTL, CLT-LANA

This presentation explores the essential and unique role of occupational therapy practitioners (OTPs) in the acute care settings for oncology patients. Drawing upon evidence-based practices and clinical experiences, the presentation highlights the unique contributions of OTPs in addressing the functional and psychosocial needs of oncology patients during their hospital stay. The presentation provides an overview of occupational therapy interventions to promote independence, facilitate adaptive strategies, and enhance patient outcomes and overall well-being.

Untangling Acute Confusion: Delirium in Acute Care 
Stephanie Althoff, OTRL

This presentation will explore the syndrome of delirium in the acute care setting. The presentation is designed to give the occupational therapy practitioner the knowledge to identify delirium, differentiate delirium from dementia, and explore evidence-based assessments and interventions. Delirium will be explored for the general acute care patient as well as specialty populations, including intensive care and post-surgical populations. The impact of delirium on acute recovery, including functional ability, will be highlighted.

Returning to Our Roots: OT in Inpatient Mental Health 
Noelle Partee, OTRL

This presentation aims to explore the occupational therapy role in acute inpatient mental health. Noelle will share her specialized occupational therapy position and provide insight into assessments utilized to aid in increased patient safety, active participation in discharge planning, and shorter lengths of stay. Noelle will compare the more traditional occupational therapy role to her current role aiding to pave the way for a paradigm shift in occupational therapy鈥檚 contribution to mental health in order to return to our root. 

Closing Session

Impact of Health Disparity and Inequality in Occupational Therapy  
Mansi Patel, MS, OTRL

This closing session will discuss health disparity and inequity and their impact on marginalized groups in relation to occupational performance. Using case examples from her acute care experience, Mansi will highlight various populations at risk for discrimination, her own personal experience as a therapist and woman of color, and what we can do as occupational therapists to address change. This presentation will give you tools to identify injustice within the healthcare system and offer education on how we as practitioners can advocate for change, be an ally for underrepresented groups, and ultimately create a more diverse and inclusive environment for our patients.