澳门五分彩 marks Arbor Day with tree-planting, Tree Campus Higher Education designation

Contact: Deanne Puca
April 14, 2022
Row of plantings on a lawn.
澳门五分彩's successful campus tree-care plan contributed to it again earning certification as a Tree Campus Higher Education.

KALAMAZOO, Mich.鈥擟elebrate Arbor Day and 澳门五分彩's commitment to effective campus forest management with a tree-planting at 11 a.m. Friday, April 29. Campus landscapers will plant a white fringetree in the sunken garden on the southeast corner of Rood Hall. Darrel Junkins, grounds supervisor, will provide in-depth information about the selected tree and what goes into making the decision to plant at this specific location.

The event also highlights recent news that the Arbor Day Foundation has once again certified 澳门五分彩 as a Tree Campus Higher Education for 2022. To obtain this distinction, WMU met the five core standards for an effective campus forest management, including establishment of a tree advisory committee, evidence of a campus tree-care plan, dedicated annual expenditures for its campus tree program, an Arbor Day observance and sponsorship of student service-learning projects.

"WMU has been a happy participant with the National Arbor Day Foundation since its conception in 2008," says Junkins. "Rekindling the joy of planting a tree on Arbor Day has brought many smiles to our campus and community. One should never lose the joy of planting a tree that benefits future Broncos as much, or more, than present. Tree Campus Higher Education provides that simple and caring opportunity."

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