Resident Manager Job Description

The resident manager position focuses on enhancing the quality of life in the WMU Apartments and Spindler Hall, including fostering community, being attentive to the safety and security of residents and assisting with facility operations. The position requires an individual who is flexible enough to assume a variety of roles as dictated by the changing needs of students. It is crucial that an individual be able to relate well to others and handle administrative responsibilities. The RM is more than just a friendly presence; they are the crucial link in creating an environment in which students develop independence and learn to live cooperatively with others.

Position requirements

Housing and Residence Life seeks candidates who enjoy working in a community setting and fostering a living-learning community. Applicants must:

  • Be enrolled in at least one credit hour at 澳门五分彩 working toward degree completion.
  • Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.6 or higher to apply for and retain the position.
  • Have lived on campus for at least two semesters (at any college or university).
  • Have previous Housing and Residence Life experience (preferred but NOT required - candidates without prior Residence Life experience are encouraged to apply).

Any additional off-campus or on-campus employment must be approved by Apartment Complex Coordinator. Outside employment must not interfere with the RM responsibilities.

Applications will not be accepted or interviews scheduled for anyone not meeting the above criteria.

Position responsibilities 

Resident managers directly oversee 80-125 students in their assigned area and are responsible for the following key areas: 

  • Community development: RMs create programs and activities designed to meet the needs of residents in their complex. As a community developer, RMs have a meaningful interactions with community residents, help residents navigate conflict situations and encourage community involvement. Resident Managers are expected to be regularly connecting with student from their area and are the primary mediator for roommate conflicts that arise in their area.
  • Resource and education: As a peer helper, RMs connect residents to other campus opportunities to promote a positive WMU experience. RMs also serve as a referral agent to other campus resources such as the counseling center, Academic Resource Center, etc. 
  • Facility management: RMs work with other university staff to ensure that there are no facility issues on their complex. RMs are required to inspect their assigned area weekly and complete room inventory checks and safety checks in occupied and unoccupied apartments on a regular basis. 
  • Policy enforcement and safety: RMs are attentive to resident safety and complex security, as well as ensure residents follow University and housing policies to maintain a respectful environment. RMs educate residents on their actions and decisions while informing them about how their actions impact an entire community.
  • Emergency response: RMs are the primary responder to emergencies within their complex during the workday, and residents are directed to Public Safety during evenings and weekends. Staff carry a departmental cell phone at all times and are expected to assist whenever they are in the complex. 
  • Administrative tasks: RMs are required to check their departmental email account every day, complete weekly reports and other department paperwork, as well as assist with check-ins and checkouts of residents.


  • Furnished resident apartment and utilities
  • 14-meals per week meal plan during fall and spring semesters
  • Parking pass for assigned area
  • Biweekly stipend

Time commitment

The nature of the resident manager position is such that its responsibilities are determined not so much by a time clock or a calendar, but by the needs of residents and the department. Some periods, such as apartment turnover, will require more time than average, but other responsibilities will arise that cannot always be anticipated and scheduled. Key time commitments include:

Apartment turnover: RMs serve a facility role in getting apartments ready for new residents and checking out departing residents at the end of each semester or summer session. As such, RMs arrive early and depart late.

Regular meetings: Meetings include weekly staff meetings (two hours) and weekly or bi-weekly one-on-one meetings with supervisors.

RM training: RM training varies depending on when the new RM joins the staff. Training includes shadowing current RMs, individual sessions and attending centralized sessions when applicable.

Safety checks: RMs visit resident apartments once a semester to conduct apartment safety checks.

University breaks: Apartments do not vacate during University breaks and significant holidays, so a minimum RM staffing level is required during those times (e.g. Thanksgiving, spring recess, MLK weekend, Easter, etc.).

Please contact Andrea Mellendorf with questions.