Bronco Spotlight: Kally Taylor

Photo of Kally Tayloer
Bachelor of Arts in early childhood education, 2008; Master of Arts in organizational change leadership, 2018

Senior Specialist, HR Operations at Stryker 

I work with mangers and their teams within our newest operating system. I help troubleshoot employee/manager issues while working to enhance the system to provide exactly what the internal customer needs to perform efficiently and effectively. I work with new hires, terminated employees, hiring managers, contract workers, direct employees and all US divisions. I partner with our teams in countries across the globe to ensure consistency and quality with problem solving. 

What is the most rewarding and the most challenging part of your job?

The most rewarding part of my job is being able to connect with individuals and provide support for them while our company navigates this new operating system. I am highly involved with critical parts of the system and love to train teams and managers on how to get the most out of it. I love my direct team and leadership team. Everyone loves to be here and enjoys working on projects together. The most challenging part of my job is the unknown! We are not fully aware of what the system can do for us yet. We are learning more every day and continue to investigate how to make the system work for us as individuals, as well as teams and divisions. 

Which of your skills had the biggest impact on your success? 

The skills I learned that most impacted my success were time management, communication and how to be strategic in my thinking. It took me a while to feel confident with strategic thinking; however, I am so glad I persisted and kept learning new ways to get there. Any role requires time management and communication skills. Those developed through every role I had and helped to polish my professionalism. 

What advice do you have for students looking for their career after college? 

Coming from recruiting at Stryker, my best advice is to go in to interviews with an open mind, well dressed and polished. Be prepared - do your research on the company, on the team and come to the interviews with a notepad, pen and resume for each person. First impressions are critical and the more prepared you are the more impressed your interviewers will be. Don't limit yourself to your degree. Just because you have a degree in communication doesn't mean you have to have a communications role. Get into a great company, be humble about your achievements and work hard to get to the role you've dreamed of. Sometimes, the company will make a role that suits your talents! 

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